Affiliate Marketing

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Affiliate Program Management

Outsourced Program Management is DMi’s premier affiliate marketing solution. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to maximizing direct-to-consumer revenue for your program, with a sharp focus on incrementality and attribution.

Full-Funnel Approach

DMi adopts a holistic strategy for program growth tailored to our brands. We optimize media placements from top content affiliates and enhance partner contributions across various affiliate categories to ensure the program achieves industry-leading scale in acquiring incremental new customers.

Incrementality & Attribution

At DMi, we prioritize maximizing incremental channel revenue for every client’s program while accurately attributing sales contributions to each affiliate involved. We utilize historical performance data from thousands of affiliates across all our brand campaigns to provide the best recommendations for our clients.

Publisher Recruitment

Once we take over a program, we promptly onboard all essential publishers that drive incremental revenue and are currently missing. We also collaborate with existing affiliates to explore opportunities to scale their partnerships with our brands.

Dynamic Commission Structures

DMi continuously assesses the commissions our clients pay to each affiliate in the program, ensuring they are compensated at an optimal rate that maximizes incremental new customer sales.

Platform Migration

DMi can assist your brand in evaluating whether you're utilizing the right affiliate tracking platform to meet your specific needs for attribution and incrementality tracking. If you choose to upgrade, we’re here to facilitate a smooth migration process.

International Partner Management

For many DTC brands, expanding customer acquisition efforts to markets beyond the US is a key initiative. DMi supports our brands with strategy development and execution to effectively reach numerous international markets.